Capture it on video: Implementing a novel knowledge translation strategy as part of the Safe Motherhood Project, Jimma Zone, Ethiopia

Nicole Bergen, Abebe Mamo, Sudhakar Morankar, Nicholas Castel, Manisha A. Kulkarni, Ronald Labonté


This short report addresses videography as a novel knowledge translation tool in maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) research, detailing the experiences of the Safe Motherhood Research Project in Ethiopia. The Safe Motherhood Research Project (2015-2020) studied the implementation and scale up of MNCH interventions in rural communities of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia. In 2018, a videography component was integrated into the project, including three major activities: producing a video documentary; delivering capacity building workshops for university students and staff; and donating video equipment to the Jimma University Institute of Health. These activities have increased the exposure of the research project to a broader audience and enabled university students and staff to undertake new videography projects. Challenges, lessons learned, and future opportunities are detailed in the hopes that other research teams can adopt videography to increase the exposure and impact of their research. (Afr J Reprod Health 2021; 25[3s]: 135-141).

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