Research trends in increasing cadre capacity in efforts to reduce stunting in Indonesia: A review

Lisbet O. Manalu, Soenarnatalina Melaniani, Ferry Efendi


Stunting is a significant public health issue in Indonesia, characterized by a very high prevalence. The Indonesian government places utmost importance on prevention. Preventive measures and timely identification are crucial, particularly by trained personnel. The research aims to uncover patterns in the enhancement of cadre ability to mitigate the prevalence of stunting. A review was conducted using data from content analysis, which focuses on results from several studies published in health journals listed on Scopus. The search is conducted using Scopus, with the terms "cadre," "stunting," and "Indonesia" within 2018 to 2023. The research shows that increasing the capacity of cadres can be done by increasing knowledge, attitudes, motivation, skills, perceptions of effectiveness, self-efficacy, with training intervention methods, short courses and collaborative interventions with all parties for the entire community through cadres as the front line in reducing stunting as well.

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