Reproductive health of female students in Islamic boarding school culture: A literature review

Queen K. NisaMairo, Siti R. Nadhiroh, Lutfi A. Salim, Atoillah Isfandiari


Reproductive health in Islamic boarding schools is still a special concern, because female students in Islamic boarding schools are teenagers, namely 12-19 years old. This article aims to discuss adolescent reproductive health in relation to the culture in Islamic boarding schools. One model of education in Indonesia is Islamic boarding schools which prioritises religious education and are supported by dormitories as a place to live, where they interact with their peers 24 hours a day. Islamic boarding schools prioritize a simple way of life, independence, discipline and cooperation. ,using the literature review method, This methodology involves a comprehensive database search in Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ResearchGate. The main search terms used were ‘adolescent reproductive health’ and ‘Islamic boarding school culture'. Eight articles were obtained for analysis of topic relevance, objectives, methods used, sample size, and results in each article. We evaluated the relevance of the selected articles to the topic.. However, health problems in Islamic boarding schools still require attention, such as access to health services, healthy behavior and environmental health which can affect reproductive health. Students gain knowledge about reproductive health from classical books. Reproductive health education in Islamic boarding schools tends to be normative with culture obtained from classical books.

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