Determinant factors of antenatal care used by pregnant women in Indonesia: A systematic review

Kartika Kartika, Shrimarti D. Rukmini, Setya Haksama, Ismuntania Ismuntania, Fakhryan Rakhman


Pregnancy complications can basically be detected through an Integrated Antenatal Care (ANC). In Indonesia, the Integrated ANC is conducted comprehensively and with quality, targeting all pregnant women. This research employed a systematic review by deriving articles from three databases between 2013 and 2023 using a single keyword: "Antenatal Care" and "Pregnant Women" in Indonesia. Several inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to determine the articles that can advance to data analysis. Initially, the three databases produced 25,582 studies. After completing the review and excluding duplicated articles, 15 met the criteria. These articles described the ANC behaviour of pregnant women in six major regions in Indonesia. The results presented factors that most influenced ANC behaviour among pregnant women in Indonesia. These factors were divided into three major groups: personal factors, external factor, and social support. In particular, the factors influencing participants’ ANC visits were knowledge, education, economic status, husband's support, family support, occupation, parity, and economic status.

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