Factors related to the collaboration of cadres in stunting prevention

Dian U. P. Putri


In the implementation of stunting prevention, the lack of cooperation between stunting cadres, no direct communication media and no one who facilitates the cooperation of stunting cadres to carry out data collection tasks as indicators of stunting achievement and for stunting prevention. This can result in repeated data collection, unequal data, and irrelevant data accuracy. Stunting cadres, who are community health workers selected and trained to monitor and prevent stunting at the village level, play a crucial role in these efforts. If stunting cadres collaborate, the performance of both will be more effective and efficient. This study aims to find out the factors related to the collaboration of stunting cadres in stunting prevention efforts. A quantitative research method with a crosssectional study design was employed. The research sample consisted of 63 stunting cadres. Data analysis was conducted using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that variables such as trust (p-value 0.032), communication (p-value 0.021), agreement (p-value 0.002) and added public value (p-value 0.001) were significantly related to the collaboration of stunting cadres. The conclusion of this study is that stunting cadre collaboration is important in stunting prevention efforts and has an impact on optimizing stunting prevention programs

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