Examining behavioural determinants among caregivers of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder using the human action process framework

Meilina R. Dianti, Ira Nurmala, Nunik Puspitasari


This study assessed the caregiver’s adaptability and appropriate parenting behaviour towards children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) based on their background and mental health using the theory of Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). The study recruited 24 caregivers who completed surveys at four-weekly intervals. A moderated mediation model was used to examine the mediating effects of intentions, actions, and caregivers’ resilience. The results showed that 19 of the consenting caregivers were exposed to educational intervention on HAPA constructs, and completed assessments of behaviour-change in preand post-training. There was an improvement in caregivers’ knowledge after training. This included improved knowledge on how to properly give care to children with ADHD enabling them to stay mentally healthy (p < 0.05). Caregiver resilience can be determinant in behaviour change. Importantly, the link between resilience and reduced stress could be mitigated by encouraging caregivers to be stronger and more responsive. This can be a comprehensive discussion in nursing, especially about how HAPA can be used as a practical application for parenting patterns for children with ADHD.

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