Exploring the impact of family support and its function on high-risk behaviour among adolescents in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia: A cross sectional study

Rosyidah Alfitri, Kuntoro Kuntoro, Mochammad B. Qomaruddin, Rachma Indawati, Rifzul Maulina


This study aims to investigate the impact of family support and family function on high-risk behavior among adolescents in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia using Cross-sectional study design. in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia using cross-sectional study design. The sample size consisted of 195 adolescents (aged 15 to 19) with various sociodemographic characteristics, as well as various types of risky behaviors, such as smoking, consuming alcohol, and so on. and so on. The results of the study indicate that perceptions of and family functions are significantly related to the level of adolescent involvement in high-risk behavior. Adolescents who perceive strong family support and cohesive family functioning are significantly less likely to engage in highrisk behavior. Significance test of the model, variable value of the Sig, which is 0.000, which means that the model has an independent variable that statistically significantly affects the dependent variable because the P-value <α; (0.000 <0.05). Family function is a variable that has a value of 0.000 so that it is related to the dependent variable and has a CI value of 95% (0.029- 0.348) significantly less likely to engage in high-risk behavior. In addition, gender, age, and other sociodemographic factors also play a role in determining high-risk behavior. These findings underline the important role of the family in shaping adolescent behavior and emphasize the need for providing appropriate sexual information and education by parents. The implication of this research underscores the significance of parental involvement in providing emotional support, information, and supervision for their children. These parental roles can substantially reduce high-risk behaviors among adolescents

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