Documenting public health interventions with new technologies in rural Indonesia

Friday Okonofua


The African Journal of Reproductive Health is pleased to publish these compendia of articles that originated from an international symposium on public health which took place in Surabaya, Indonesia in 2023 (ISoPH 2023). Indonesia, the world’s fourth largest country, with a population of 280 million people, has a robust healthcare system that comprises a mix of public and private providers’ financing. Of interest, is Indonesia’s approach to health promotion through the digitization of its health services resulting in the development of multiple health applications by the central government, regional governments, and the private sector. The uniqueness of the ISoPH symposium is its strategic focus on providing an understanding of the ways that various communities in Indonesia have been engaged and are involved in using digital technologies to promote health outcomes. This being one of the first such descriptions globally, it remains an essential approach that will help to draw similar innovations from other parts of the world.

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Yasin Z, Nawawi A, Wibowo A, Nadhiroh SR and Devy SR.

Effects of Moringa oleifera on increasing breast milk in

breastfeeding mothers with stunting toddlers in rural

Batang-Batang District, Indonesia. African J Reprod

Health 2024: 28 (10s): 33-40. DOI:


Setyawati E, Sumarmi S, Nurasmi, Irnawati and Hutagao IO.

Effectiveness of moringa biscuit (Moringa oleifera) and

snakehead fish (Channa striata) in improving the

nutritional status of pregnant women with chronic energy

deficiency. African J Reprod Health 2024: 28 (10s): 41-49.

DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i10s.5

Yuliandari RD, Wahyuni CU, Syahrul F, Artanti KD, Sulistyowati

M, Notobroto HB, Qomaruddin MB, Mirasa YA and

Soedarsono. Evaluation of short-course for private doctors

in managing children tuberculosis as part of a publicprivate mix in Surabaya, Indonesia. African J Reprod

Health 2024: 28 (10s): 81-92. DOI:


Dianti MR, Nurmala I and Puspitasari N. Examining behavioural

determinants among caregivers of children with attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder using the human action

process framework. African J Reprod Health 2024: 28

(10s): 33-40. DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2024/v28i10s.10.


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