Predictive effect of insomnia on quality of life in last trimester pregnant women: A cross-sectional study

Bahtışen Kartal


This study was conducted to determine the predictive effect of insomnia on quality of life in last trimester pregnant women. This study is a cross-sectional study. The sample of the study consisted of 309 women who were pregnant in the last trimester and were followed up in the university hospital. The data was collected using Women's Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale(WHIIRS), World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Short Form(WHOQOL-BREF). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate compliance with the normal distribution. Pearson correlation test used to examine the relationships between life quality subscales, discomforts during pregnancy, chronic disease, psychiatric disease, working status and insomnia. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the predictive factors of quality of life. There was a negative relationship between having problems in pregnancy and the physical domain and the psychological domain of quality of life. When working status and discomforts during pregnancy were controlled, it was determined that insomnia was an important predictor of physical, psychological, social relations and environmental areas of quality of life (respectively 21%, 6%, 5%, 4%,). As a result, it can be said that insomnia is one of the important areas that should be intervened to improve the quality of life in pregnant women.

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