Adolescents’ accessibility and use of sexual and reproductive health services in Kaolack and Gossas, Senegal

Diarra Bousso Senghor, Arsène Brunelle Sandie, Barrel Sow Guèye, Ndèye Awa Fall, Sidy Mokhtar Ndiaye, Abdou Aziz Mandiang, Cheikh Mbacké Faye


In Senegal, the needs for care related to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) among adolescents are significant. This study evaluates the accessibility and use of gender-related SRHR services by adolescents in the municipalities of Kaolack and Gossas. It is based on quantitative and qualitative data from 2,263 adolescents in the 2 sites, 84 in-depth individual interviews, 12 focus groups with adolescents and sexual reproductive Health actors, and 4 interviews with key informants. Quantitative analysis consisted of the interpretation of univariate statistics and bivariate analyses, while qualitative analysis relied on the coding and thematic analysis of verbatim statements. The results show low use of health structures (3% and 0.4% in Gossas and Kaolack respectively). This was attributed to the perceptions that services are not suitable to the needs of adolescents, and also because of socio-cultural constraints in the two sites. Additionally, the distribution of access to reproductive health services by sex shows gaps between boys and girls. We conclude that efforts should be made to tailor the sexual and reproductive health services offered to adolescents to their needs and social circumstances.

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