Women's preferences and experiences of birthing practices in Turkey: A cross-sectional study

Hafize Ozturk Can`, Melek Balcik Colak, Ilkay Unal, Nuray Burak


In this study, the aim was to evaluate the preferences and experiences interventions among women in Turkey. A total of 347 women who gave birth vaginally participated in this analytical cross-sectional study. Data were collected using the face-to-face interview technique in the clinic rooms within the first 24 hours after delivery, when the women’s babies were asleep, allowing the mothers to comfortably answer the questions before discharge. The arithmetic mean, standard deviation and number-percentage distributions of the data were calculated. Of them, 81% had a positive birth experience at birth. The majority of the participating women did not want to undergo non-evidence based interventions with a limited effect during the intrapartum period. While evidence-based intrapartum care is provided, women's preferences should be taken into account, they should be informed about evidence-based interventions and these interventions should be performed during the intrapartum period.

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