The impact of Reiki practice on episiotomy recovery and perineal pain: A randomized controlled study

Halime Aydemir, Neriman Soğukpınar, Mustafa Kara


Energy therapies are complementary methods focused on revealing the existing energy and restoring the individual's (recipient's) energy. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of Reiki practice applied to postpartum women who had spontaneous childbirth without instrumental delivery on postpartum episiotomy recovery and perineal pain. The research was randomized controlled at a hospital in pre-test post-test design. 86 postpartum women in total were included in the research, (n=40) in intervention group and (n=46) in control group. On the postpartum 1st day, 2nd day, 7th day and 14th day, episiotomy recovery of the intervention and control group was assessed with REEDA Scale and perineal pain was assessed with Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire. The tree sessions of Reiki for 35-40 minutes were applied to intervention group on the postpartum 1st day, 2nd day and 7th day. (Clinical Trial Registry and Registration Number: NCT05486624). The REEDA Scale average oedema scores of the control group postpartum women were higher than intervention group. The control group had higher pain average than the intervention group. The Reiki applied to postpartum women who had spontaneous childbirth without instrumental delivery had a positive impact on episiotomy recovery due to its impact on oedema and it reduced perineal pain

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