Government health expenditures and neonatal mortality in China: Implication for Sustainable Development Goal 3

Yupu Li, Yule Li


This study utilized comprehensive graphical, descriptive and econometric methods to provide empirical answers to the nexus between government health expenditures and neonatal mortality in China. Secondary data from 2000 to 2021 was extracted from the World Development Indicators, after which it was analyzed empirically with the following results; in the past two decades, the incidence of neonatal death has reduced by 85%. Meanwhile, domestic general government health expenditure per capita ranged between $326.2 and $9.4 during the period with a mean value of $138. Average neonatal mortality rate recorded an approximately 10 deaths per 1000 live births, while government health expenditures and neonatal mortality showed a significant negative relationship in China. Therefore, this study confirms that China has been able to meet the SDG 3 with evidence indicating that this may be due to increased government health expenditure. (Afr J Reprod Health 2024; 28 [5]: 78-83).

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