Effects of family planning counselling and media messages on contraceptives use by Nigerian men: Evidence from the Nigeria demographic and health survey

Charles E. Obeta, Joseph I. Amuka, Beatrice C. Eneje, Ambrose N. Omeje, Tochukwu Onyechi, Chinasa Urama, Fredrick O. Asogwa


Generally, man plays a more significant role in population health in developing countries like Nigeria, as most of them show no interest in contraceptive use. Hence, to achieve the desired population control in a developing country like Nigeria, men must step up the modern use of contraceptives. The objective of the study was to examine the effect of family planning counselling and media messages about reproductive health on men's acceptance of contraceptives. Precisely, the study sought to determine if the use of counselling and radio messages on family planning could enhance the acceptance of contraceptive usage among men in developing countries like Nigeria. The researchers sourced the data for the study from the Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey conducted in 2018 and used the Logit regression method for the data analysis. Results from the analysis showed that counselling at health facilities and radio messages on modern contraceptive use have positive and significant effects on men's acceptance of contraceptives. Based on the findings, the study recommended that the best way to increase contraceptive use among men in Nigeria and some other developing countries is to compel pregnant women attending antenatal care services to come with their husbands to the health facility once a month, during which the men could be counselled on the importance of modern contraceptives usage. (Afr J Reprod Health 2024; 28 [5]: 67-77).

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