Midwifery students' spiritual and ethical values and their views and attitudes towards uterine transplantation: A qualitative study

Yasemin Aydin-Kartal, Aleyna Bulut, Sema Aker


This qualitative study was conducted to examine the relationship between Muslim midwives' spiritual values and ethical orientations and their attitudes towards uterine transplantation. The phenomenological study sample group consisted of students in the Midwifery undergraduate programme of a public university in Istanbul (n:26). The data were collected in semi-structured focus group interviews. It was among the student midwives, it was determined that some students rejected uterine transplantation with thoughts such as "I am a Muslim, according to my religious belief, I should go to the grave without damaging my organs" or "This transplantation is not a vital necessity", as well as students who considered uterine transplantation as religious and ethically appropriate. It was determined that midwife candidates who will provide reproductive health services have different ethical and moral views regarding uterus transplantation, and there are some who see this method as religiously acceptable, and there are also students who emphasize that it is not suitable for Islam. In addition, training programs are planned to increase students' awareness and knowledge on this subject, aiming to be beneficial to the women they will care for in the future. (Afr J Reprod Health 2024; 28 [4]: 41-49).

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