Comparative analysis of social media-based interventions for adolescent reproductive health education

Joseph Ciluvai, Uma Maheswari


This research paper explores the impact of social media-based interventions on adolescent reproductive health education, acknowledging the digital residency of today's youth. Utilizing a Solomon Four Group Design, the study assesses the efficacy of tailored interventions on various digital platforms, emphasizing the value, impact, and relevance of innovative educational approaches, particularly those employed by social media. The paper highlights adolescents' pervasive presence on social media, including platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook as integral components of their online experiences. Leveraging these platforms for health education is considered crucial, aligning with adolescents' digital behaviors and preferences. Ethical challenges in the digital health domain are discussed, underscoring the importance of privacy, consent, and responsible content creation. To tailor interventions effectively, the research explores platform-specific preferences, recognizing the diverse usage patterns among adolescents. The paper concludes with a comprehensive analysis of the intervention's impact, revealing significant improvements in reproductive health knowledge among participants exposed to social media-based education. In essence, the paper advocates for the integration of health education into the digital spaces where adolescents naturally reside, recognizing the transformative potential of social media in enhancing reproductive health knowledge. (Afr J Reprod Health 2024; 28 [3]: 81-91).

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