Assessment of knowledge about neonatal danger signs among primiparous women at discharge from healthcare facilities

Fatima Soomro, Khalida N. Memon, Heeramani Lohana, Mansoor Abro, Sheraz Ahmed, Fayaz Umrani


This study explores the evaluation of knowledge regarding neonatal danger signs (NDS) among first-time mothers in Pakistan during their discharge from healthcare facilities. The investigation aimed to establish connections between their understanding of NDS and factors such as sociodemographic background, prenatal check-ups, and educational measures. Considering the persistently high neonatal mortality rates in low- and middle-income nations, recognizing maternal NDS awareness becomes crucial for promoting early medical attention and reducing neonatal health risks. Existing research highlights the role of maternal knowledge in shaping neonatal well-being; however, gaps in knowledge remain prevalent, especially among first-time mothers. Using a cross-sectional approach, data were gathered through structured questionnaires, revealing significant relationships among maternal NDS awareness, sociodemographic aspects, prenatal care, and educational interventions. It is noteworthy that first-time mothers demonstrated lower NDS knowledge than mothers with multiple childbirth experiences, while those with higher education displayed greater awareness The effects of educational interventions were diverse, and antenatal visits were linked to enhanced knowledge. This study highlights the significance of focused treatments that target knowledge deficiencies, which can empower women and contribute to the reduction of infant health problems and mortality. encouraging further exploration of effective strategies to augment maternal knowledge and proactive healthcare-seeking behaviors. (Afr J Reprod Health 2024; 28 [3]: 13-19).

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