Impact of recurrent pregnancy loss on depression, anxiety and fertility related stress in Omani women: A cross sectional survey

Divya Raghavan, Janisrani Natarajan, Amani Al. kharusi, Vidya Seshan, Arwa Alsaraireh


Pregnancy is a state of happiness and hope not only for a woman but for her family as well as near and dear ones. However, this phase of happiness comes shattering down for some couple who are not able to successfully complete pregnancy and end up losing a baby in the early stages of pregnancy. Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is prevalent among Omani women and the psychosocial impact of RPL is heavy upon these young women devastating their overall quality of life. Researchers conducted a cross sectional survey among 184 Omani women who had a history of recurrent pregnancy loss in a pioneering teaching tertiary care hospital. Data collection done from using a self-reported questionnaire to assess the depression, anxiety and RPL associated stress of women with history of RPL The mean age of women with RPL was 34.05 and 81% reported 2-3 pregnancy loss. Participants reported higher mean scores of depression (9.94), Anxiety (10.32) and fertility related stress (30.28). Women with multiple pregnancy losses (above 3) reported higher level of anxiety which was significant at (p<0.05%) The findings from current study also indicated that women with RPL experience higher levels of depression, anxiety, and fertility related stress. (Afr J Reprod Health 2024; 28 [1]: 13-21).

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