Kelsey Harrison, Africa’s Academic Giant at 90
Full Text:
Harrison KA. Changes in blood volume produced by treatment of severe anaemia in pregnancy. Clinical Science, 1969, 36, 197-207.
Hendrickse JPdeV, Harrison KA, Watson-Williams EJ,Luzzatto L and Ajabor LN. Pregnancy in homozygous sickle cell anaemia. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the
British Commonwealth, 1972, 79, 396-409.
Harrison KA. Blood volume in severe anaemia in pregnancy.
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine of University
of London 1969.
Harrison KA, Ajabor LN and Lawson JB. Ethacrynic acid and
direct packed blood cell transfusion in treatment of severe
anaemia in pregnancy. Lancet 1971; 297, 11-14.
Kelsey Harrison: An Arduous Climb from the Creeks of Niger
Delta to a Leading Obstetrician and University Vice
Chancellor. Published. Adonis Abbey, October 1, 2006.
Accessed from
Harrison KA. Monograph. Child-bearing, health and social
priorities: a survey of 22774 consecutive hospital births in
Zaria, Northern Nigeria. BJOG.1985; 92 supplement 5, 1-
Harrison K. A. Commentary. Maternal mortality in Nigeria: the
real issues. African Journal of Reproductive Health 1997,
, 7-13
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