Female genital mutilation and male involvement: Insights of men and women in two counties in Kenya
This qualitative study, conducted in Meru and Kajiado counties in Kenya, explored the perceptions and attitudes of men and women regarding male involvement in FGM in order to inform the design of male involvement strategies in FGM abandonment. We used focus group discussions to collect the data which was then subjected to thematic analysis. Three main themes emerged from the data: i) culture and the role of men; ii) perceived awareness and knowledge of FGM among men, and iii) credible and customised education and engagement. The study found widespread agreement on the importance of male involvement in FGM abandonment. Culture played an important role in determining the extent of involvement, or lack thereof. We conclude that while culture needs to be respected it ought to be challenged to avoid the continued harm to girls. The potential of men as a collective to bring about change was evident, and policy makers and NGOs should utilise the power of male collectives to support efforts to abandon FGM. (Afr J Reprod Health 2022; 26[11]: 105-117).
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