Female students’ perceptions of interpersonal risk and protective factors for dating violence in a Nigerian university

Agatha Omokhefe Aigbodion, Sinegugu Evidence Duma


Dating violence is a public health problem with severe implications for social, physical, mental/psychological and spiritual health of victims/survivors, families and the society at large. For female students, it can gravely affect their academic performance and thus affect gender equality in universities. This article identifies and described the interpersonal risk and protective factors associated with dating violence in a Nigerian University. Data were collected from a sample of 90 undergraduate female students in the university of Benin using nine (9) focus group discussions. Thematic content analysis, using the socio-ecological framework revealed interpersonal risk factors a theme with subthemes which are: negative childhood experiences, negative influence from other persons, and the clash in belief systems between partners. While the theme: protective factors have subthemes which are: having elders as good role models, trusting relationships, mutual respect between partners, open relationship and transparency between partners. This study identified that students should be given orientation in schools to avoid bad peer, friends, influence; Mentoring between older students and younger ones to be encouraged as they serve as elder and adviser to the young ones. In addition, Nigerian universities’ management and stakeholders should develop evidence-based policies and programs. Including heathy relationship topics built into the school curriculum gear at having healthy relationship, prevent dating violence and respond to other forms of gender-based violence. (Afr J Reprod Health 2022; 26[3]: 84-95).

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