Research on African adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health: Ethical practices and challenges
Sexual and reproductive health issues remain a huge public health challenge, especially in developing countries. These problems arise acutely in socio-cultural contexts marked by social prohibitions relating to adolescent sexuality. However, it is important to listen to adolescents to better understand how they experience their sexuality, the issues associated with it and their needs and expectations. For this, researchers must, among other things, appropriate the frame of reference of adolescents in terms of sexuality to promote relevant policies and interventions. But how can researchers conduct ethical research with people who are under parental care and socially condemned in relation to the research object? This article aims to contribute to the reflection on ethical research practices in sexual and reproductive health with African adolescents. In this paper, I have considered some ethical challenges and the prospects for solving them. (Afr J Reprod Health 2022; 26[3]: 13-19).
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