Aflatoxin B1 and Reproduction II. Gametoxicity in Female Rats

IN Ibeh, DK Saxena


It has been reported that aflatoxin B1 impairs the reproductive performance of female animals. The mechanism of action of this toxin on the reproductive system was investigated. Female Druckery Strain rats were administered aflatoxin B, at doses of 7.5 and 15.0mg/kg body weight through oral intubation for 21 days. The ovary was examined by counting superovulated oocytes and the follicles in 6mm thick sections. Estradiol and progesterone blood levels were determined. The body and sex organ weights of rats were recorded. There were significant reductions in the number of oocytes and large follicles in a dose dependent response. The blood hormone level and body and sex organ weight were significantly disturbed. We propose that aflatoxin B, is gametotoxic and deranges hormonal balance in affected animals. (Afr I Reprod Health 1997;1(2):85—89).

KEY WORDS: Afla toxin, oocytes, folliculogenesis, rats

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