LABORATORY REPORTS: Aflatoxin B1 and Reproduction I. Reproductive Performance in Female Rats
An experimental group of female rats was exposed to aflatoxin B1 at a dose of 7.5mglkg body weight daily for 14 days through oral intubation. A deleterious effect on the gonads and embryotoxicity in the experimental animals were observed. There were reductions in ovarian and uterine sizes, increases in fetal resorption, implantation loss, and intra—uterine death. The data showed significant disturbances in oestrus cycle, inhibition of lordosis, and reductions in the conception rates and litter sizes, suggesting severe impairment of fertility in the aflatoxin exposed rats. An aflatoxin blood level of 86.2 ± I .3ppb was recovered in the experimental animals. (AfrJ Reprod Health 1997;1(2):79—84)
KEY WORDS: Ajia toxin, reproductive performance, ratsFull Text:
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